Olivia Parrish, RN, Accredited Orgonomist
Counseling with individuals, couples, families, and groups
I offer rich and engaged psychological counseling with an expertise in Orgonomy / Reichian Therapy. This method brings a vitality to the verbal work we do and powerful somatic interventions when appropriate.
Many of my clients come to me with a desire to address their problems through the help of the mind/body interface. Their self-understanding deepens in a safe environment. Psychological problems also reflect in physical tensions such as back pain, headaches, insomnia, and indigestion, to name a few. This therapy can increase contact with these symptoms and help resolve them. To read more about how I work, click here.
The benefits include lasting change and resolution of lifelong or situational issues and an improved sense of well-being, intimacy, creativity and motivation towards your work.
For more on Orgonomy / Reichian therapy, click here.
People have a variety of reasons to come for counseling. The following are just a few:
◆ Do you suffer from debilitating anxiety or depression?
◆ Are you struggling with a life transition?
◆ Are you concerned about a relationship? I offer couples counseling, marriage counseling, premarital counseling, family counseling.
◆ Do you feel drained or burned out?
◆ Do you dislike your job?
◆ Do you have chronic low self-esteem?
◆ Do you feel cracked open by grief or loss?
Underlying the need to address these issues in counseling is our healthy motivation to thrive, feel close to others, and be at peace in ourselves.
I work with adults of all ages, and families.
My clients generally come with a willingness to meet the challenges of counseling and a readiness to take an active part making changes in their lives. I offer an honest, conscientious, and professional relationship, so that you can settle into this therapy and explore, understand, and change.
To read more about who I help, click here.
My nursing background inspires me to work with nurses and medical professionals. As a nurse, I understand the stresses and strains of this population and their need for counseling. Currently I lead a Nurse’s Counseling and Support Group. For more information on this group, click here.
Reich is the father of somatic psychotherapy. Over time and with experience, the psychological interface between mind and body has become well acknowledged. I will work with the interconnection of your feelings, attitudes, and physical expressions whether or not we do direct somatic interventions.
I offer a free 30-minute telephone consultation.
Call or email me if you are interested or have questions about how I can help you.
To Contact Olivia, click here.
“There’s a crack in everything,
That’s how the light gets in”